teetering [private]
Quote:OoC: WotD 1 pt. Attempt: "Vulpine"

The wolf could have thought herself vulpine, but in reality, all Rewdeynetya saw was another ridiculous creature. So many other loners, walking up and down the long stretch of beach; the hybrid's trek was constantly interrupted. The musk of the others grew thick and rank on the wind, and on fours in Optime, Rewdeynetya's eyes narrowed. Her ears pulled back, wolfish suspicion on her face; who was this awfully young creature? Too young to be on her own, that was for sure. Young wolves did not leave the pack until two-and-a-half —

Ah — dog's blood. That soul was one of the many dog-blooded wandering in and around the area. Why wasn't she off scrounging in the city, though? Most of the wolfdogs, supposedly, lived where their domesticated ancestors once walked with humans. The wolves, their cousins and who humans had as rivals, had only retaken the city after the fall of man. And even then, there was prejudice, the "pets" having long been lost to the influence of mankind.

Rewdeynetya could have turned and left the wolfdog be. But, seeing as how she had more exploring to do, she did not. Instead, in that strange, slightly bouncy movement that matched a Lupus's gait to a non-Lupus's body, she moved forward. If the mutt stopped her to say hello or what be, then fine. The jackal-wolf gave little heed, always in pursuit of that single, same journey to remain a one-beast pack from one place to the next.

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