[J] Leap of faith...
Well hi there ^^

The night was still young. The sun had barely set past the horizon and the moon had come out to play for the night's lapse in time already. The clouds were thin in the night, both stars and moon were vivid to the eye. The air was brisk, the light was dim. Winter was not yet over and it was sure to let the bodies of the animals know that quite bluntly after the sun had set away. The thick for the the Valley pack girl did help with the brisk cold but it did nit block it out entirely. The cabin she resided in was enough to keep her to a toasty content but leaving the cabin was like colliding with a sheet of ice. The fire could only protect her so much. The dappled Djose woman had settled in for the evening. A belly full of rabbit stew and the crackling fire had her nearly asleep. Her ears were relaxed as the Optime form of the woman relaxed in the old bed. Layered in blankets she could have fallen asleep in an instant. But no, not tonight. Tonight she had something else to take care of. A howl had caught her ears and her amber eyes shot open in curiosity. This voice was new, requesting and calling. It was her job as a Locum to make sure the borders were safe, as well as to make sure guests were taken care of.

Tala crawled out of bed. Her injured leg slower her down slightly as she let out an inaudible mutter of words about the wounded limb as she collected herself and headed towards the door. Her bones ached for the warmth of the bed again. The outside chill was waiting, and the fae was less than excited about greeting it. She exited the cabin and let out a sharo exhale as cold air met her lungs. Making sure the old wooden door closed behind her she began her trek through the snow towards the source of the howl. Her legs moved slowly due to her injury but she made her way to the borders in a decent amount of time. It was not a rush, but it wasn't a stroll either. Who could be wandering the borders at this time? Most chose to show up with the sun, not the moon.

Xeris had gotten there before her, she saw the familiar white woman first. Tala gave a smile in her direction as she listened to her greet whoever had howled. The eyes of the grey dappled female came across a female sitting among a patch of exposed grass. The woman let her head nod with thought as she approached to a safe distance of about 10 feet from the stranger before she cleared her throat softly to speak in her feminine rasp. "Hello there. My name is Tala Djose. I am a Locum of Pheonix Valley. May I ask what brings you to our borders at this lovely hour?" There was a smile on her maw as her arms lay beside her body in a relaxed yet poised stance under the stars. Her grey, black, copper and white coat seemed to sparkle under the right light. The woman watched this stranger with her smile constantly intact. She would not let the hour effect her mood. A guest was a guest, and this pack was kind, understanding.... her tired demeanor would not be the downfall of the opinion this woman had on the pack as a whole. Tala would never let that happen.



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