teetering [private]

Tommy fails at trying to be grown-up. x3

The older female said that Tommy must look, and the younger wolf paused for a moment, creating a distance between them. Her ears laid back against her dark skull in sheepishness. She had been so set on getting information that she’d forgotten her newfound independence. “I understand,” she said, quickening her pace to catch up again. “Thank you,” she added, though it wasn’t quite the proper thing for her to say. However, the hybrid had pointed out something she should have already known, and for that she was as grateful as she was completely embarrassed.

There was a small twitch of the other loner’s lips after her question, but Tommy was sure that it was just a result of their trots. She pricked her ears when the female said she had always been a loner. Certainly, those born outside of the pack had to grow up more quickly than those that had been sheltered as Tommy had been for most of her life. “I envy your independence,” she said simply, her words more mature than her age. “I still am trying to adjust to living away from my father.”

The brief mention of another luperci made her curious, but she voiced the question quite timidly. “Was this fellow a friend or a traveling companion?” There was a great difference. Friends were to be loved and protected, and traveling companions were often temporary. They were helpful, but not adored. They were there for jokes and conversation, but not to share secrets with. She couldn’t think of abandoning a friend; leaving behind her family had nearly torn her in half, even if it had been necessary. The memories darkened her pale eyes, and she looked at the ground as she walked. The monotonous pace made it seem as if nothing existed but the other hybrid, although the evidence of their surroundings as all around them: the mew of gulls, the scent of brine, the feel of the shifting sand underfoot.

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