I see nothing wrong with a little bump and grind

OOC here!

Tala had walked with him in silence. The man towered above her by a couple feet. She was used to being dwarfed by males however. At just under six feet tall she was anything but tall. Sure, she wasn't overly short, but every now and then a man would come by and surprise her at just how small she felt. This black man was one of those people. He had rubbed her hand and it had caused her to look down, almost as if checking to see who's hand it was. After she had pulled her hand free from his he vocalized her disappointment. She blinked a few times. Did he seriously want her to stay? Tala was unsure if she wanted to. Something told her to get away from this man. Far, far away. Something else was intrigued by him, wanting to know what he would say next.

Tala had her hand kissed by the man and her cheeks turned a soft pink. Only one man had kissed her hand before. Davyn... she had liked that boy, but things had not worked out between them in the end. Having Lucifer kiss her hand brought back what she had felt like for that time. She couldn't help but smile and look away, bashful playing on her face. "I wasn't expecting that from you." She smiled softly before she debated his question in her head. "I suppose I can stay for a short while." He was being kind to her now, and she recognized that and respected it. She would return the favor by staying with him for a short while longer. Sure, he didn't seem to understand personal space and spoke without a filter.... but nobody was perfect. Tala understood that perfectly fine.

"I'm not trying to scare you. I was just letting you know for future occurrences if they ever happen." Scare him away? She would never try to scare him off. She was not that type of person even if she was defending her pack's lands. Tala stood still, not wanting to sit or lean against another tree. She needed to strengthen her leg again anyhow. Standing on it would do her some good.

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