[M] - Silence of a Soul

OOC: Nice writing Smile


Jaden’s head begun to swim and the light of the day was beginning to dim. He was dieing and he felt it, but the pattern that was his thought slowly began to become ungraspable. His strength for resisting the beast of a luperci on top of him began to dwindle. Darkness consumed his vision as death crept within spitting distance of Jaden’s soul.

Suddenly, the pressure relented. Jaden was free to move and gasped hoarsely for air. He rolled over onto his belly with a few coughs and sputters, but could not stand as the black washed back from his vision and his heart throbbed painfully behind his eyes. THUD, THUD, THUD, THUD. It was slower than it naturally should have been now but proof Jaden still lived. It took a second of disbelief and disorientation before his mind cleared enough to remember what he had just come so close to.

The still slightly disorientated Optime looked to his left where his attacker had his back to Jaden. “How dare you!?” He growled darkly and took a step toward a cinnamon colored optime ahead of him.

Jaden tried to stand, but could not get to his feet. He was to dizzy to get pasted his knees. He no longer listened to what Zev was telling this stranger, but uselessly tried to stand again. If he could get to his feet, he might be able to strike at the monster’s unprotected spine with his bladed gauntlets. Severing it would render him nearly defenseless without the use of his legs. But no matter how hard Jaden tried to get to his feet, he could not stand without wobbling down onto one knee. The large optime was getting closer to his new target as Jaden struggled.

Without being able to get at the gargantuan Optime with his blades, there was only one way for the injured Alaskan luperci to keep another from dieing by the hands of Uva Atka. He removed the blades from his gauntlets, letting them fall to the snow, and reached for his bow. He was distraught when his bow was not in the quiver on his back. This was the deciding moment of Jaden’s life. If Zev turned his attention back to Jaden, he would be done for.

The bow lay in the cold white powder six feet away from Jaden. It had been thrown off his back during the scuffle. He stood, stumbled a few steps, and fell to the ground next to the bow. He grabbed it and rolled over so he could see Zev’s exposed back. With a fluid motion, Jaden then drew the bottom half of a broken arrow from his quiver. Then another. He reached back again, dearly hopping one of the arrows had survived the brutal attack on his body.

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