[J] Leap of faith...

Amisi instantly felt bad as she saw the other wolf start changing and slowly crept forward, rising up a bit. Wait…you don’t have to.” she began, her words trailing off into silence as she watched the other wolf’s transformation. She never got the chance to look at herself while she changed, it always happened at some inconvenient time. Now, watching this other wolf change seemed to ease something inside of her. Amisi took a deep breath and straightened up once the other was finished. She walked back over to the border and sat down in her previous spot. “I’m very sorry…I didn’t know there were others out there…like me.” She sighed. She heard one of the wolves mention the word Luperci and decided that she would ask questions about that later. Soon she realized that after all of that, she hadn’t even introduced herself. “I’m sorry for being so rude… My name is Amisi, and I was wondering…if you would allow me to join your pack.” There, she said what she wanted to say the most.

She looked over at the wolf that introduced herself as Xeris and gave her a polite nod. “It is a pleasure to meet you.” She smiled softly at the other, trying to show that there was no harm done. Amisi thought that if there were more wolves like her, Luperci as Xeris called them, then she wouldn’t be that out of place among them, but the thought still made her a little bit nervous. She looked over at the other wolf and gave her an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry…you didn’t have to change. I shouldn’t have overreacted.” Her smile grew a bit warmer for the other wolf, never would she have thought she’d find wolves this kind around. Maybe she just needed to look for them.

Word Count → 311

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