
OOC: Hi!! Mind if i drop? and may i your character a wolf?

The snow not only brought a beautyful scenery, but some trouble as well. Sankara knew it very well. She had woken up this morning to find her beloved pencil swollen by the humidity inside her tree. She had limited to do scrps with pieces of rock on pieces of tree crust, but it wasn't the same. And her last drawing, an insectivorous bat, was in danger of suffering the same destiny as the pencil. So now, she was putting The Hunting Lodge upside down to find another pencil. Stupid, stupid me, why did i leave it there?. But the pencil hunting had it's advantages. Sankara had found an old bag (It was broken, but perhaps Shawchert or Orin could help her to fix it) and some sheets of paper, as well as the so said pencil. I think that this is enough for now. The blackish female grabbed her things and exited the room she was currently inside.

She stopped in the middle of the room and sat down. She stared at her hands and left her stuff beside her. She had decided to change from her current bipedal form to one that resulted more confortable for her. So she sat down and began to shift. She felt her fingers shrink, as well as her mane and her limbs. And after about 5 minutes, she was on her Lupus form. She grabbed her bag with her treasures and ran downstairs. She wanted to take an invigorating walk before looking for someone to help her with her bag.

She came out of the building trotting happyly, humming something. Suddenly, when she passed by some trees, she saw a silhouette. At the beginning she thought that it was her imagination and kept on trotting, but when the silhouette began to move, she realized that there was someone there. She topped in her tracks and turned her head. Her curiosity told her to go and investigate who was there, so she walked towards him. As she got closer she realized that she had never met this person. She stopped a couple of meters away from him and left her stuff on the floor in front of her to talk.

"Hi, i haven't seen you by here..." She trailed off as she finished the phrase, wondering wether her words were impolite or something. She looked away and back to him. He had a grey coat, with lighter spots on his chest and his limbs. "By the way, my name is Sankara". She said, a bit nervous in the presence of someone unknown to her.


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