Sand between my toes

WC:313 OOC: Big Grin

Niro was working on training with Tobias today. He seemed content about listening to the young man, it was almost unnerving. Ever since Gregor came into the pictures Tobias had been acting… well like Marahute, as though he was hatched to Niro. Though he knew he wasn’t; the bird was older than the wolf was. He wasn’t going to complain in any way… it was strange yes, but oddly nice. He was even getting along with Marahute for a change.

He heard in the near distance a howl at the border of the packlands. Wondering who it was Niro whistled for the two to follow him. He knew they would stick to the sky but that was all he could expect. His walk to the borders was quick. He spotted the wolf that had voiced her presense and moved closer to her. She seemed friendly enough, but he still wondered what she was doing here…well only one way to find out.

Hello my name is Niro Takekuro, and you are at the borders of Cour des Miracles.

He said politely. He knew first impressions worked wonders. He didin’t want to seem hostile in any way nor did he want to seem like he was over friendly. Like he would just igve up the pack at a whim. It was all about the balance he thought as he smiled at the young woman. He was juggling why she could be here. He remembered that some came just to meet new people others came to trade, and even more rare these days, some came to join the pack. The latter thought was not an option though unless she was not enjoying her time at the pack she was in. He could smell it was one that was close by but also one he didn’t think he’d visited or even met anyone from. This intrigued him.

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