
ooc;; <33

Saul knew that his calming words and attitude to this pup had done the trick. She physically relaxed although she kept hold of her submissive pose, which Saul was impressed with. He remembered his reintroduction to Dahlia- collapsing on the border too starved and exhausted to move any further. His Aunt Bris had found him and taken him home, an act of kindness that he would never forget. He loved his aunt very much and now he loved his little cousin, who was also a product of their leader, Conor Soul. Saul always laughed to himself how the two of them still hadnt become mates, despite the fact that they lived together and had a child together. Bringing himself back into the conversation Saul looked down at the little female with now home.

She started with a compliment and Saul practically beamed at her. He was sometimes a fickle man, not yet one years old but still considered mature enough to be within the adult ranks. It was a privalege to him, but it also meant that he was praised less because of this. The little female had lightened his evening with that one little compliment. His tail thumped against the ground as she explained her name- Star it appeared. It was a cute name, although Saul wondered what it would be like to be named Star when she was old enough to be in the same position he was.

"Its very nice to meet you, Star. My name is Saul Stormbringer... Although Saul is fine."

His voice was still soft and soothing, but she had picked up on the fact that he was no danger and she was little and defenseless. He heard a crack in the darkness and smelt the air for a moment. To the pup it must be scary but Saul could smell the mouthwatering scent of groundhog making its noisy way through the woods encompanssing the eastern points of Dahlia. Although Saul wondered why it was being so noisy, his attention was on the little pup- Star. She looked very rough, her coat hanging in clumps around her. She also didnt look as though she'd had a proper meal in weeks, if not all her life. She would never have been taught to hunt- she looked to be about four months from the gangly paws and head that she was yet to grow in to. For the second time Saul wondered where her parents were.

"Where have you come from Star? Where are your family?"

Saul asked directly. There had been a time when Saul was younger that he was on his own. His mother was dead and his father was not cut out for parenting. They had been returning to the Stormbringer pack, he Shiloh and Ascher with their father. A storm had separated them and Saul had found his way back here- he'd stayed ever since. Perhaps she had a parent living like he did, or maybe they were both alive and she was just lost. Patiently he waited for an answer, tail swinging softly back and forward in the night air,

word count;; 519

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