keep your hands off

ooc;; I hope its okay to backdate this to 27th January? Im not taking any threads past 29th January till my thread with Naniko is finished!

The scenes had played on his mind for days, invading his dreams and making him angry and irritable. They were confusing and strange, but it was more to do with the feeling that arose from these images that confused the Marbas more than he could imagine. Her body, tightly wrapped up in his, kisses and playful notions that had quickly turned into something more. Of course, his natural instinct was to split the pair up- he smelt of 'other' whilst she was Anatheman. He'd had to remind himself very sharply that she was free to do as she pleased, free to do whomever she pleased. He himself had had more than one plaything at a time, he knew what it was like to feel the thrill of multiple sextoys. That didnt make it any easier to find one of his own playthings at it with someone else.

Teddy had surpressed the anger for days- he'd had a small adventure in Anathema's storage cupboards the day before yesterday and yesterday had found him out by Phosphagos Foothills, wondering what a lone female was doing skulking around the borders when she had no intention of joining Anathema. However, he hadn't been able to push the images from his mind and he had been pretty useless and pushing away the angry and hot feeling beneath his skin. He had no word for jealousy in his head because he had always had what he wanted. He didnt need to feel jealousy and therefore he didnt. However, the sick churning of his stomach when the images repeated themselves on him was a foreign and unpleasent feeling.

The scowl that marred the handsome mans face had sat there most of the night. He hadnt slept and had spent most of it maintaining the upkeep of his weapons- cleaning and sharpening and making sure that all sheaths and quivers were still well capable of holding his precious things. He'd found a whetstone not long ago and his sword was sharper than it ever had been. Still, his mind hadnt been on cleaning his weapons. They been on the chocolate and cream female just three doors down. Was she in there with him? Had he come back? What would Naniko do if she knew Demi was bringing an outsider into their secretive cave system? He had tried hard to convince himself that it was his duty to go in there and drag him out by his ears, and perhaps rip them off as he had done with the coyote. But he'd stayed rooted to the spot, the scowl deepening with every sigh and moan the caves had to offer.

His body creeked as he stood, shaking out his fur and pulling on his comfiest pair of khaki pants. He pulled a dark grey vest over his head and stretched high, trying to work out the stiffness in his neck. He had decided to go and speak to her about it, see what she had to say for herself. In his mind, she was his and therefore she should be loyal even if he wasnt. Exiting his den he walked swiftly past Viking and Liev's abodes. He paused outside the medicine womans door before swiftly rapping on the rock beside her door. The scowl had remained and his mood was darkening with each second that past.

"Demi? Demi are you in there? I need to talk to you!"

His harsh words echoed in the cave and he tried to calm himself. It had been stewing in his mind for days and now it was finally going to come out. Of course, he still had no word for jealousy and he was more than likely to screw things up, but heck, thats what he did most of the time so why stop now.

word count;; 633
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