Turn Back Now [AW]
Quote:OoC: I don't mind at all. Considering the type of werewolf Rew is, it's probably for the best he comes down.

Sure enough, someone came crawling down from the mountains eventually. From the edge of the trees, the unnaturally bright blue eyes of a scout bore into hers. Rewdeynetya stiffened, lowering her head and ears, narrowing her eyes as her tail relaxed. The wolf before her was armed, and with enough bulk and muscle behind him for a fatal blow. Compared to her speed-built form, he looked more likely to break something important of hers in a fight.

There were several ways she could deal with him. One was just ignoring him and turning away, but that might provoke something. The next was answering his question, but she'd rather not be drilled by a paranoid pack member. Looking at his eyes and face, she could see signs of worry and tiredness faintly under his fur. Those strange, brightly blue eyes had nothing but distrust as they stared at her.

Then, she could play up the fact she was a foreigner. Just a cold, frightened little half-wolf — her jackal's features were too delicate for a coyote crossbreed's — who had wandered too close to claimed land. Rewdeynetya might be able to gain the pity of the wolf, and he would let her off, perhaps with a stern warning. After all, it was harder to say she had ill intent if she was a confused little immigrant, right?

Her eyes looked back up with a puppy-dog's gaze. She let out a pathetic whine, her tail curling beneath her. It wasn't the most dignified display, but there were less dignified things in life.




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