ashes to ashes
She turned away from her onetime packmate and shook her head. She wasn't for sure if she could even explain it. How could you explain what it was like to have children and the things you just knew--could know by that stronger bond, that blood tie.. She didn't think the male had ever had a family of his own, much less any sort of love interest, but she knew what she did. No Skoll. Maybe not with you, but they are his children. He knows. Our bond was close, but his bond with them is something more, it had always been.. they're his blood. He'd have known if something had happen.. if.. they didn't make it. She hung her head, not wanting to think about the words she'd said.. but then again she knew there was nothing she could do.

She sighed and contemplated the idea that perhaps he had snapped. She'd been perfectly sane once and over times things had gone bad.. but would Phoenix have done the same. Her shoulders slumped she whispered. Someone didn't make it.. The words made her feel hollow inside.. and knowing that her mate had been in no shape health wise to be running across the lands she wasn't even sure if he would have made it back out there. He had loved their children with his whole heart, he would have died for them.. but was it worth dying for one that was already lost. He knows better Skoll.. you can't save everyone..

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