[AW] Shattered Silence

OOC: Dont worry, I was busy anyway... and sorry about the raven Smile


When this coyote, Slade Auctor, gave Jaden permission to kill the raven, he glanced darkly up at it. The black bird quickly took flight as if realizing that its life was suddenly forfeit before the Optime had even decided to waste the arrow. Jaden was again annoyed that the bird had flown off unharmed, but more annoyed that he had been given permission by the coyote to kill it.

Slade had also asked a question, inquiring about his name. “My name is Jaden,” the Alaskan said as he slipped the arrow back in to its quiver and shouldered his bow. He didn’t feel it was necessary to give his last name, for the coyote had no use to him thus far. The movement of slipping the bow over his shoulder made Jaden’s injured bicep tighten so he stretched it out in front of him before crossing his arms and stepping toward the smaller canine. “Incidente di Parola,” He repeated, “that is a mouth full. What exactly do you do for the pack of Cercatori d’Arte, Slade?” He asked trying to keep negativity out of his voice and offer neutrality instead. The coyote was not displaying submissive body language toward the dark colored Optime, and even know Jaden was trying not to give him a reason to, his feelings of superiority made the neutral body language bother him. “And why are you wandering about outside of your pack lands? Some lone wolves might be dangerous or aggressive to a coyote like you.” He added.

It wasn’t often wolves, or in his case coyotes, left their pack lands unless they had a good reason. So, Jaden figured this tan hued coyote had one. The only good reasons Jaden could surmise though were; the coyote was a diplomat of peace, a small worrier (the thought made him grin), a hunter, or a border scout. From the looks of him, he was a scout. But, should he happen to be a diplomat, Slade would be a most useful patsy in helping Jaden with his plans. He began to scheme about how easy it would be to have a trusted diplomatic coyote lure out his target wolf. It would affectively help the assassin dodge pack aggression and inspire dislike for coyotes. What a brilliant thought. But, patsy or not, this slightly annoying little coyote might have some useful information to offer Jaden. All he had to do is feign curiosity and innocents.

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