[M] SNAP!!

Word Count: 1524
o.o Whoops. Wrote a fair amount xD Well, good thing we made this M is all i can say <.<

A soft, freezing burst of wind spiked at his tall form. One of the downsides of being in optime form was that there was more exposure to the weather. If he was going to be spending more time in his two-legged form he was going to have to invest in some clothes eventually; but clothes didn’t suit him. They made him look weak, wearing clothes seemed to say ‘Hey, I can’t even cope with some light weather’. Humph, he wouldn’t ware clothes; he was fine and more then capable of withstanding a light chill. But to help things he sped up to a light jog, leaving a trail of foot prints in the snow behind him.

His mind wondered to the white female that seemed to fill his head every day now; avoiding trees and objects by instinct rather than thought. Every waking minute he found himself worrying about her, only feeling at ease when she was within his sight. Where was Selene now? Was she wrapped up warm, he hoped so. It irritated him how drawn he found himself to her; everything she did was suspicious, but no matter what he couldn’t stop worrying about her.

Needing a change of thought subject, he began to concentrate on his task at hand; walking the border. The more he found himself interacting with the pack, the more protective he found himself being of it. This had now reached the point where he disliked being away from home for long periods of time and he often found himself walking the borders. But today was different; he wasn’t walking the borders out of a need to protect his home. No, he was trying to keep himself busy, to keep himself from going to the white female; she had her own life and he had his. He was in no position to impose or have a say in what she does, last time he was way out of line. But within the caves temptation lay and so he choose to stay out of them. For now. And god dammit, he was thinking of her again; his hand slammed into his forehead out of irritation. Why couldn’t things be nice and simple. Black and white, good and bad, yes and no. Who the fucking hell invented maybe? He’d kill the mother fucking bastard if he was still alive!

White clouds of heavy breath came out from his mouth; he was beginning to tire. Slowing his pace he looked around, he was near a small clearing surrounded by trees and with a few rocks and boulders scattered around. One larger tree close to the clearing caught in his attention; walking up to it he felt the bark and then tested a few of the lower branches. Yes, the tree should hold his weight, time for a little nap maybe?

Tying his new found Katana to his waist; he grabbed onto one of the lower branches and climbed his way up until he was high within the branches. Shifting around for comfort, he placed his arms behind his head to form a pillow and fell into a light sleep.


A dark ear twitched, picking up sounds which should not belong. Through the groggy fog of sleep he tried to focus his hearing. Nearby he picked up the sound of two males. He opened one eye, leisurely locating the pests who had awoken him from his sleep; below in the clearing stood a pack member and an intruder. Good to know someone else was watching the border, he mused. Looking at the light pack member, he recognised him to be. Love, no. That didn’t sound right. Leave? Life? Lift? What was his name again? Liev, yes. The light male was Liev.

Curiosity stuck him; he never though the older Sheppard would be one to stop someone at the border. Waking himself up he began to ears drop on the conversation.

A slight grin spread across his face as Liev pulled out a Hunting Knife, he had to admit; he was impressed. He’d have never pegged the male to respond to the situation quiet so quickly and in such a way that Key approved off. Then as the male spoke a name, something in his head lit up. J’Adore, why did that name seem so familiar? Ah! Wasn’t the name of the fowl bastard he’d fought with a while back also J’Adore. He leant forward on his branch to get a better look at the male and sure enough it was him, at the sight of the male his muzzle scrunched up in disgust. God he hated that bastard.

Mentally he sat there pleading for Liev to slit the intruder’s throat; that way he wouldn’t have to deal with the aftermaths if he did it himself. But much to his disappointment it seemed Live was aiming to settle this with words rather than fists. Such a god dammed fucking pity that was.

Thankfully the moronic fool, J’Adore, did not seem to understand his place and seemed to simply shrug off Liev’s warnings. He was starting to like J’Adore, maybe, just maybe, the guy was capable of digging his own grave? Then when J’Adore called the older, clearly more experienced male 'SNOWPLOUGH' he nearly fell from his branch. Instead, he shoved a furred hand into his jaw to muffle his laughter. Come on, come on, he pleaded with the heavens. Push his buttons just a little more, do us all a favour and get your self killed. Pretty please?

And much to his delight, Liev sure seemed pissed off. But the best bit was; were the two of them really having a pissing contest over who’s got the biggest weapon. His hand instinctively moved to his Katana, he itched to jump in and let the weapon taste blood, but from the looks of it Liev had the situation sorted.

After Liev finished verbally education J’Adore, it seemed the intruder still felt the need to act cocky and correct the elder. So he has no problem with Anathema, just me, Key mused. Well.. If he really wants another taste of me, he is more than welcome to. But key was sure to return what he received this time, in fact he’d return things twice over. So maybe J’Adore would no longer yearn for his flavour?

Irritation drew his brows together, darkening his expression as J’Adore began to leave. Was Liev seriously going to let that fowl creature walk away after he intruded upon our lands? Now we can’t be having that can we?

Reaching to the string around his waist he tightened the knot around the Saya, moving his hand to the Tsuka ito, tightening it so that he had a good, firm hold. Then, he shuffled to the edge of his branch and pushed himself of it’s ledge.

Reaching the ground he landed with a loud thud; sure, he could have gotten down in a discrete manor. But he wanted to be heard. He wanted the two to be aware of his presence, but just in case he loudly stormed over, out into the opening. Once there he threw open his mouth and let loose a deep growl. He wanted their attention and he wanted it now; he was not going to sit by and let that sleezball walk away from this without a scratch. Over his dead body he would.

First, turning to Liev he lightened his expression slightly. “You really gonna let him walk away without so much as a scratch?” his expression showing clear disapproval.

But he wasn’t hear to scold Liev for his actions. Dipping his foot into the soft snow he tested and felt around for ice and the depth of the snow. It was light; it shouldn’t hinder movement to badly. Moving his free hand to this Saya he drew his blade The black Saya fell back into place; hollow and empty without it’s weapon to snugly fill it up.

“Gotta say guys..” he ran a finger lightly down the blade’s Ha “If we’re comparing to see who has the biggest, I’d say that sadly boys, it would have to be mine” a huge grin spread to his face. He simply couldn’t resist making the comment.

Now he had to get to the serious business. Turning to J’Adore he shouted to the living male filth. “Oi! You turned into a chicken or something recently? You seemed to have the balls to approach Anathema but not enough to stay and pay us a visit, not even a small welcome for an acquaintance? Such a shame. And here I was planning on sending you Christmas cards and everything each year! Did you’re parents not teach you any manners?” Yup, he was still pissed about the manners comment J’Adore had made towards him last time.

“Let me make this very clear to you, nice and simple: You die here and now”. And this time he wouldn’t be the one loosing; he was different now and this was his home. He was going to soak Anathema grounds with that filths blood. His expression darkened; hints of his unstable nature peeking through.

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