keep your hands off
Out of Character

Coding by Sie

In Character

The D’Angelo woman was indeed in her room and was awake for once. A dim glow emitted from reading lamp that encased her room in a soft orange glow. She sat perched on a soft chair, legs crossed book on her chest with her reading glasses on. The book was called Huck Finn, and so far the writing was interesting but she wasn’t sure about some of the references either. This was a break from her usual routine, reading a work of fiction at least. Mostly she read medical, science and other books of an educational nature. This time she was just flat out reading for pleasure and to get rid of some sort of boredom she had going on at the time. Ouija had left thankfully and she wondered when she would see him again, she’d probably have to plan a trip to visit him sometime soon. Teddy had been almost nonexistent lately and she wondered what was up with him. Maybe he had found someone else to bother; someone who could stand the constant barrage of innuendo that he flowed out of his mouth. The thought alone irritated her, for such a handsome male he really ruined it all with what he spoke.

The few times he hadn’t been constantly letting shit flow out of his mouth she gathered there was an actual mind in that empty head of his. Something she hoped in the future he’d use more than thinking with his dick. It was all very complicated, some part of her did like him, and normally she wouldn’t give someone such as him the time of day but she had, and now she wondered if she would live to regret it before he grew up. After all Demi really only wanted him to treat her with respect, and if he’d do that he’d have the keys to fun time any time of the day. But she only sighed quietly before turning the page to her book, the paper making a soft raping noise before the nock at the entrance to her room.

It seemed the object of her current thoughts had came to her room, instantly she wondered if she would have to come up with some story to get him to leave her alone. Or threaten him with some magic dust to keep his dick away from her. Demi knew the type and she wouldn’t put it past him to try and take what he wanted if he really was suffering from a bad case of the blues. She heard his question, and she calmly folded a crease in the page currently being read before closing the book, saving her place. Eyes looked up then at the door as a hand slowly removed the glasses, not quite caring to see him wearing them but just out of habit. The little little goddess didn’t move from her perch though she just responded quietly.

“Yes I’m here Theo, what is it?” she asked softly. Not knowing about the storm that maybe walking right in to her room.

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