
OOC: Hehe, well, if you neef advice with something i may help you with what i know, but i'm not really experienced with 'Souls ^^. Sorry if this was a bit short, hehe.

Sankara didn't mean to scare the man in front of her. She bowed her head a bit in shame "I'm sorry, i didn't mean to scare you like that...i thought that you had already seen me". Then she straightened her ears as the stranger began to talk. Well, more like mumble. It seemed that the newcomer was even more shy than herself, what surprised her.

Sankara was a shy creature by nature. Other wolves intimidated her, but it seemed that sharing her space with others opened her up a bit. The proof of this change was the fact that she was the one who introduced herself to a stranger...well, not a stranger at all. If he was here it was because he was part of Cercatori d' Arte already, and all it's members where her family now. The wolf in front of her introduced himself as Moth. A curious name on Sankara's opinion, but not a bad one.

The female let out a small smile to try and reassure him up a bit. "Nice to meet you too Moth! i see that you are new here.... She trailed off a bit, not sure about what to say. "You don't have to be shy. Here we are all friends" She said, but hesitated a bit. She remembered what Orin told her about her little fight with this other female Sky. Since then, even thought she didn't know her, she began to feel some rage towards said woman. But she screwed those thoughts out of her mind. She wanted the newcomer to feel confortable. "You were going to Thornsbury?if you want i can go with you." She offered. Then she collected her bag with her mouth and looked up to the grey male, waiting for an answer.


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