kaleidoscope heart


It was true, all of the Dreamers were family, by bond if not blood. It was really the opposite of the pack that the Marino had grown up in. Aside from their small little family, everything and everyone in Monti Sabini had seemed so cold. Maybe if they had been more "acceptable" it would not have seemed that way, but the moment Amata Marino had become pregnant outside of mateship she had been the lowest of the low in their eyes, and her illegitimate pups by the same token. Savina had never realized how distant and cold her birth pack really was until she had come here though, and experienced the community and closeness that Crimson Dreams fostered. It was one of the reasons she was proud to be a leader of this pack. It was special and that uniqueness was even more apparent in these trying times.

It was normal for pups to raise their parents up to almost godlike beings, impervious to the flaws and faults of most mortal beings. It was likely only magnified in her childrens' minds due to the fact that she was the alpha. Such illusions could only last for so long though. Savina was no god, and had no desire to be either. She was simply a wolf. A wolf who loved her family with every inch of herself and who could crumple under the weight of things gone wrong. Since the day of the accident, she had allowed that weight to suffocate her and distract her from everything else that was important. Now she was like Atlas though, pushing the weigh up so it could no longer crush her. It was still there, but she knew she had others to worry about as well, like Parker.

As her girl rested her face against her stomach Savina softly stroked one of her ears, feeling the short, soft fur. She truly was her mother's ray of sunshine. It was difficult for even the sun to shine in the dark and deep of winter, but it would always return, one way or another. A gentle smile reached the woman's face at her daughter's whispered words. They were all together again. Amata and Gotham were back and that certainly helped. "Sì, it is enough." It was always good to do something instead of nothing when the dark pressed around, and tired emeralds looked back down at her girl. "Shall we make a new fire? I'm sure that will help everyone." Keeping the Manor warm was important and perhaps it would make Parker feel better to partake in that crucial task.

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