Caress Me Down


Straw colored eyes watched him interestedly when he tried the offered drug once more. She smiled at him, eyes sparkling all the while, and hummed a low sound of amusement and approval. The young coyote had moved her way closer to the boy, letting her frame lounge on the ground beside him. However, as he took his drag from the joint held between his fingers, Clover moved closer to the boy and rested her head gently in his lap. Straw eyes looked up at him as he exhaled, and she watched the beautiful wisps of smoke rise away from his startlingly blue eyes and drift into the cold night air. She easily accepted the joint from him once more, and the girl took another deep inhalation, watching as the white cylinder began to burn closer and closer to nonexistence.

At his words, Clover offered a slight laugh. "It’s just releasing all your inhibitions," she told him. "Nothing’s holding you back now, so your mind is free." She held the joint for him to take once more. It was only good for a couple more hits before it would be burnt away to nothing. When her fingers were free of the joint, they easily found the smooth fur along Aro’s thigh, where she began to offer gentle caressing strokes. Her mind suddenly became absorbed by the presence of the boy beneath her and the simple contentment she found by being in contact with him. A warmth bubbled in the girl, and she knew she recognized this feeling; it was the feeling Mother Earth wanted everyone to possess and share. It was the feeling of love (albeit carnal).

She hadn’t realized just had lonely she had grown since her departure from Juniper Peace. And tonight, with Aro there with her, she felt as if she had purpose again; she was no longer a forgotten little girl. She would be loved.

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