keep your hands off
Out of Character

Feel free to PP, as long as it's not to bad

In Character

Soft tired eyes watched the intruding male burst in. This was probably her most vulnerable time, mornings and throughout the day when her wits where about her, but her mind wasn’t turning as well as it should have. Instantly his posture sent a chill of fear down her spine, normally she feared no man, but this one seemed different. Instantly when the worlds rolled off his tongue she regretted ever meeting him. Demi wanted nothing more than for him to leave, leave her alone and never utter another word to her. Ouija had every right to be here, he wouldn’t have been in the caves without consent but apparently this little issue never filled his dumb mind. Demi could feel her anger rising within her, but the helplessness of the situation itself prevented her from acting upon it.

Simply she just stared coldly at him, wondering just what the hell his problem was. Demi owed him nothing, and she would give him nothing. A single finger rose pointing to the door before she spoke.

“You are not my mate, nor are you my lover, I owe you no explanation, get the fuck out” And the words were spoken sternly, she may have to endure pain if he chose to react violently but she had her aunt who she could run and seek shelter with.

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