M- Strange New Lands

She didn’t usually see canines shift in front of her, thinking of the change as a more personal thing that one didn’t do in front of others, but to each his own. She didn’t watch, keeping her eyes on a nearby tree until he was nearly finished. Guiseppe hadn’t seemed to have any qualms about changing forms in front of someone else; perhaps it wasn’t something that was quite as personal where he had come from. She frowned, thinking to herself. He had come on a boat? She wondered what place he could have lived before and why he would choose to cross an entire ocean to escape it.

”I have no need nor desire for a mate.” The question was personal, but she brushed it off. She’d had two mates in the past, a murdering rapist and a back-stabber who had helped to outcast her from her pack. What good had having a mate been? She hoped to stop all thoughts of romance from the newcomer’s mind with her answer. ”My family is my sisters, neice and nephew, and sons.” She was glad to have them at her side, all of them.

He seemed to read her mind with his next words; she had wanted to tell him of their living situation and of what she expected of her members, and to ask him what skills he and his brother would bring to her pack. ”Most are luperci, as far as I know, though not all of us stick to our tallest form at all times. I prefer it, myself…so many interesting things one can do in this form. We live in a cave system, underground, currently, with fires to keep the place lit and warm.” Some wolves wouldn’t accept such a situation…but she supposed that there would be more options in the spring for those who didn’t wish to live underground. They could build something in the woods, if they preferred.

Perhaps their living situation would be ideal for the male and his brother, though. It sounded like he had a good idea of the type of place that they were looking for. He questioned her about other things in their pack, and she thought over her answer before speaking. ”Not all wolves…some coyote hybrids, dog hybrids…my own nephew is of mixed-blood. As long as a canine is loyal, then they are welcomed here. Our starting rank, which all newcomers are put at, is known as the Zepar rank. New canines must do basic duties like hunting, scouting…and they may shadow another more highly ranked member to try and get an idea of what path they would like to take in their duty to their pack. I expect that you can do basic things like that…hunt, scout.”

There was one more thing that she had wanted to say. She took her fingers off of her dagger, crossing her arms. It was information that he would want to know, most likely, information that would be useful in the future. ”As long as you were here, your brother would be welcomed to join without question. We accept family members without questioning them; we trust that our members know what is good for the pack. He would only need to let me know that he was here. Of course, he’s welcomed to go through the formal process if he would wish to do that.”

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