row of captured ghosts

ooc;; definitely! <333

To Teddy, who had been beaten most of his youth, the confinement to the den was a wussy punishement. Of course, he not understood that everyone had their own way of punishing their children and Naniko was never a very physical person. She used poison on her victims, suggesting she didnt always go for the straight kill. She wasnt the type to beat her child. Although Teddy had been raised with a bruised face and a cut lip, he didnt want that for his children. It had taken him a long time to realise this and even now he didnt quite understand why she didnt just clip him round the face for good measure. Just to make sure. She had said that she didnt want to hit him if she didnt have to, which suggested she wasnt completely averse to corprol punishement.

"I'm sure he's learnt his lesson. If not, I'll scare him next time!"

Not wanting to dwell on her son too long Teddy refrained from asking more on this subject matter. It wasnt that he didnt like her son- he was turning out to be a little terror. It was more to do with his general avoidance of puppies altogether. They were whiny and needy and they all needed someone to be kind to them. In all honesty, Teddy never had a kind word for anyone on bad days. And in fact, good days werent much better. He had analysied her reaction to his comment and smiled softly as she accepted it without protest. She had learnt quickly to just take him as he came and he would soon quieten down. If he had a bad reaction, it was just fuel to the fire. Naniko didnt react badly to his perving and therefore he had calmed down and acted properly to her most of the time. On this occasion she teased back, playing along with his comment.

"It is indeed"

He agreed with a smile that said he knew she was playing along. The mud had begun to dry on his fur, but the cold air blasting from around them was making him shiver. He managed to stop himself from trembling, rubbing his neck softly to try and ease the pain of the previous day. He'd managed to soothe his throat this morning but the tonic was wearing off. The roughness was returning to his voice, the sharp scratch that usually came with bringing up salty water after nearly drowning. Teddy was never one to dwell on what had happened and he had been up and out of his home soon after dawn. Although he had nearly drowned yesterday, he would not mope about his den and think on it. What had happened was done and there was always something to do around here. Including bathing with Naniko in the hot springs.

"Only if you promise to come in with me..."

He teased once more before settling down against the tree behind his back. His voice had become hoarse once more and he coughed to try and rid himself of the horrid sensation. Naniko spoke once more and Teddy wondered on that for a moment. They hadn't been very big when they'd started out but they had grown in size. They'd expanded their territory twice and with a few more members they could probably do so again. Who knew their little idea had gotten so big. He hadn't seen Azalea around lately and wondered what was up with her. She was never a friendly soul and that spoke to Teddy on a subconscious, feral level. Still, he had never spoken to the second-in-command either, so he could be completely wrong about her.

"True... it must be our charm and wit seducing them into joining. We'll need to move our borders soon if we gain much more members. We can have more land- we'll have the numbers to control it at least."

He commented from a strategic point of veiw. More members meant more border patrol. Soon there would be too little border for all of the to keep and eye on, so they would expand. It was logical and sensible and Teddy was mostly a logical kind of person. Glancing back at Naniko, he flashed her a smile and rubbed his back against the rough bark of the tree. He had less mud there and it fell away easily until the scratching. It felt good too.

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