keep your hands off

ooc;; dont be silly dear, teddy would never hurt her!

He could tell that he had scared her. He could smell it on her and he could certainly see it in her eyes and her posture. But fighting over the stench of fear was the overwhelming waves of anger. She was furious at him, and he was furious at her. They could easily got at each other and try to tear each others throats out. Wolves from the past would have done this. But they were more civilised and they would not be fighting any time soon. Besides, Demi was tiny, petite and mostly delicate in body structure. Putting all this aside, Teddy would never have hurt her. No matter how angry he was with her, he would never raise a hand to hurt her. His father had beat his mother and Teddy had watched for most of his youth. He would never be able to put someone through that kind of pain and anguish that his mother went through. It went against everything he ever lived by. But she didnt know that, did she?

Angry words were thrown at him but he still didnt know who this mystery guy was. And he most certainly had no intention of leaving with his questions unanswered. So instead he snorted at her and crossed his arms over his chest. His hands were now out of action- he couldnt swing them around to accentuate his points. She shouldnt be terrified of getting hit by him now. He knew she was still scared but her anger was overriding this. Cold blue eyes glared down at her as he waited for her to give him and actual answer. She didnt and he felt frustration take over.

"I'm not going anywhere until you tell me who Ouija is!"

He shouted back at her with a snap of his teeth. He hadnt meant to and he knew he had to reign in his anger. But in all honesty he had no idea why he was so mad. She shouldnt mean anything to him, let alone mean enough to anger him. But he'd already proven that she got under his skin when she'd made him so mad he'd injured himself. He should have known that catching her with another man would send him into a furious tyraid. But he hadnt and now he couldnt quite figure out what this was all about. And when she did tell him who this guy was, he had no idea what he planned to do with this information.

word count;; 416
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