This one's for you

Out of Character

Coding by Sie.
ooc text: It was no wait at all. Big Grin Btw, I'm assuming that Shaw is following after Elaine when she starts to walk down the road, so I hope you don't mind. <3

In Character

The young woman was glad that Shawchert seemed to be enjoying his meal, but she was still uneasy by the fact that people had been trespassing. Elaine never had to deal with hostile wolves, since she never gotten in a fight, nor met a canine with an ill-temper. Even when she lived near a pack's land when she was a pup, her and her family never faced hardships from them. She was worried for a moment that she will not be able to protect the territories because of her lack of fighting knowledge and experience, even though Skye mentioned that Cercatori d'Arte was peaceful with all the packs. What about the ones who were bounded by no laws and rules? Her stomach felt empty with nervousness, but if she ate anything, it would probably make her get a bellyache. "Don't worry, I think the longer we are here the better things get." Elaine forced herself to take comfort in Shawchert's words, since he should know what he was talking about, being the pack leader.

Her thoughts drifted away from the more pressing topic, and now focused at her current problem: finding a home. It was more calming to discuss this issue, and Elaine quickly forgotten her momentary worries and soon became upbeat again. She smiled as Shawchert suggested his help, though she nearly said there was no need to repay her for the meal. But, she thought twice about it, and maybe that would offend the Menue man that was offering his service for finding a house. "Thank you,"she relied gratefully, and started to walk down the lane, also glad that she was moving her feet again. For the few minutes they had been standing still, she felt air rush under her paw pads, and with some water from her feet making the snow slightly damp from warming it, made her suppress a shiver. Even though she enjoyed the winter wonderland, there was nothing wondrous about cold feet, and still cannot wait for spring to come around the corner.

"Anyway, how's the pack fairing?"she asked Shawchert in hopes of starting a happy conversation. All this talk about hostile forces made her upset, and she did not like to stay in that kind of mood for very long. Hopefully, she could make the Capitano's mind ease and enjoy himself more, letting him let the pressing matters that seemed to haunt his brain out of his train of thought.

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Word Count: 407

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