Two birds with one stone (J) leader needed

Temo's eyes look at jace and his head nodded slightly as he listened to her continue the explanation of why they wanted to join. His eyes turned back to the greeter as he spoke about the weather. A shiver travels down his spine when the wind whips around them and pushed the chill through his black pelt. The unexpected sneeze startling him, bringing him out of thoughts of the cold.

His ears swiveled to the sound of another approaching. His head followed his ears to see the golden one arrive. Temo remained quiet and reserved while the new one spoke and introduced himself as Ookami and the other greeter as Falgar, then, too, asked the all important question.

Temo thought about what he had to offer as he listened to Jace list what she had to offer, an eyebrow raised slightly with curiosity as he wondered at what machinery she could operate. After several moments of silence when she had finished, giving the greeters time to absorb what she told them, Temo started his spiel:

"I do not have much to offer other than a strong back and strong arms for hard work and lifting."
With a measured glance skyward, "and clear snow drifts from den entrances. I can hunt small and medium prey and not be a burden. I can read and write the human's English language. I have read through a number of books that told how many of the old human contrivances worked and what they were for. And some books on other human endeavors."

His speech over, Temo inwardly sighs, as a thought occurs to him. What if they only accept one of them? As he waited for Falgar and Ookami to consider his and Jace's qualifications, he pondered over the question. His eyes focus onto Jace for a moment, hoping that they are accepted, not for him, but for Jace.

Temo Wolfe


Temo "Talks" Thinks Walks

Table lovingly created by Kaena Lykoi

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