[M] - Silence of a Soul

OOC: Sorry for the short post Sad


“You attack me to save a stranger who has raped and murdered? Then your stupidity has earned you a death similar to his.” Growled Zev as he stepped within attack distance of the strange Optime. Jaden heard him give a growling laugh. “That is an impressive blade, mut. See if you can get a good strike in before you die.” Zev pulled back one enormous hand for a strike. Jaden lifted his sore arms with the bow in hand and an arrow lying across its. From one knee, the injured Alaskan held his breath to steady his aim and let the arrow go. It sailed quick and true with an air splitting sound and imbedded itself into Zev’s back. The Optime froze in mid swing with a shudder, gasped once, and fell to the ground.

The dark killer shouldered his bow and got shakily to his feet. He walked slowly over to Zev and drew his dagger. The large luperci was not moving from his still place in the snow, but Jaden wanted no more surprises from this monster. With a swift strike, he slashed the exposed part of Zev’s neck.

with that, Jaden felt back onto his tail and just sat there, breathing and clutching his bloody dagger. “Are you alright?” He said quietly. He didn’t want to stain his bruised voice box. He had tried to get Zev before he could hurt the stranger. “That was a dumb thing to do. He would have had no problems killing you.” Jaden breathed, feeling more angry toward himself for endangering another than his savior for helping.

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