forget your head
Melisande could shift. She'd figured it out quite a while ago, as a young wolfess helping some stoned guy get some water. She remembered scars, or maybe tatoos, and telling him he shouldn't swear so much. But that was a long time ago, and the person she saw up ahead wasn't him, she was pretty sure. She could shift, but she never did anymore, unless she absolutely needed to. She might as well have been a pure coyote, simple as that.

The white wolfess approached the shifted creature now, wondering what he was doing. Smoking something, she saw, as she got closer, although it didn't smell like weed. Probably just tobacco. He was standing outside of a makeshift hut, so she assumed that he must live here, and therefore was a member of the pack. She cursed herself, momentarily, for having been gone so long that she didn't even know her own packmembers, then decided to fix the problem. She approached, and gave a little nod of her head as a friendly greeting. "Good morning, sir." She said.

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