Tangerine trees & Marmalade skies


Though usually uncomfortable with such displays, Talitha enjoyed having the old crimson eyes on her as she moved, finding a comfortable place on the porch. It wasn't as difficult as one might expect, letting her body relax against the fur of the older man, allowing her arm to wrap around his, caressing his forearm with her fingers ever so gently. He turned his hand over, stretching the fingers out, and she moved her fingers to his palm; silently, she traced his fingers with delicate claws. Perhaps it was inappropriate, but in the moment she didn't care. Kesho Maisha was a male, and he was company, and he hadn't turned her away. Though it was uncommon for her to be turned away at all, she always expected such things.

But he smiled and looked down to her gaze and her heart fluttered just a bit at the attention she was receiving. She didn't need any permanent man as she had Gabriel, though he was her father and not a mate, but she still wondered on the allure of having someone so important. It was dangerous, as proved by the Dahlian wars. Such close ties brought hurt without the need of physical contact.

Silently, she wondered about the man who sat beside her, relaxing into her as she relaxed into him. He was still very much a stranger, though he had been the first one seen upon her return. Her hand fell into his comfortably and she let her fingers find their places between his own, taking another sip from the bottle held in her other palm. "Tell me about yourself, dear one." The phrase held little meaning, tacked onto the end of the sentence simply because it was; she was not one to speak the names of others, for fear that Shadows would carry the information away from the Inferni lands and to the ears of enemies.

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