row of captured ghosts

"Hahaha. He'd probably piss himself." Especially if he was blindfolded, or something like that. She felt a hint of remorse for speaking this way about her son, but this was all hypothetical. He would probably never do something bad enough to warrant her wanting the male to dangle him off a cliff, but it was nice to know that she had the option if she ever needed it.

She walked alongside the male, shaking her head at him when he spoke next. He was pretty silly at times; it was a wonder that none of the females of the pack had been woo'd by his behavior so far. Naniko seemed to be immune to it, at least, or didn't take it the same way that others might have. Teddy was definitely a peculiar fellow...but she was glad to have him in her pack.

They reached the springs before too much time had passed. She had smiled at him at his offer; it was foreshadowing what she already felt, what she had been planning to talk to him about for the last few weeks. She needed more help. She had never seen much of Azalea since the female had joined with her, and she needed a right-hand-man. She saw Teddy often enough to know that he was around, at least.

She wouldn't tell Azalea to step down, that wasn't in her character. She would simply get more help and try to see if she could find the female to talk to her in a no-pressure way. Naniko slid through the small opening to the spring, motioning for him to follow. The medium-sized pool was surrounded by large boulders, making it a slightly more private place.

"I might take you up on that offer. I have my family members here...but I need someone who is trained in fighting to be watching the borders and marking them, as I do. I feel useless at times when confronted with a newcomer who is obviously bigger and stronger than I. Though few fit that description" She grinned. Naniko was a pretty big girl.

Word Count →

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