high-performance grade.

Asphyxia noticed him watching her, she was wired and needed to be cut down but she couldn't, the drugs had taken their effect already and she looked antsy but walking around but she had a real bored face on. Anselm was a real catch, he was obviously watching her every move, as if he was a paranoid freak, afraid that she would attack him. Although, Asy would never, in only her right mind, would actually hurt one of her own. Coyote's were not the enemies but simply those scruffy wolves.

Asphyxia paused a moment, remembering something, she stopped dead in her tracks and looked at the boy. "Actually...A few of my family members are still missing, Naloxone was supposed to make it here but only my children arrived, he's still out, but he should be arriving here shortly..." she hoped he would. Right now, she needed him. She was still on her drugs and she didn't want them anymore but she couldn't stop herself, they controlled her now. They were Asphyxia Holocaust.

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