We Are One

OOC here: Table & Coding © Noelle; 516 words

Sele figured that since she was just starting out in her learning that it would be best to do so near home. Should something happened everyone was just a call away. And well Nani was nearby should she need some help with translations. Besides, maybe if Sele could make friends with these animals then they could help protect Anathema. That maybe they would agree to act as lookouts for trespassers and others meaning harm to the packs. Maybe there would even be a way to mark the creatures so that the rest of the pack knew not to harm them. Of course that was something that she would have to take up with Nani. Her sister was better with details than she was. And well, it would be best to let it be Nani's decision since she was the leader and Sele wasn't. It was just an idea though.

"Maybe you could help me?" She continued her conversation with the prey animal. "I could come out here and talk to you and you can help me learn to speak to you. We can talk about the things you see out here." It was a thought at least. It would prompt the mink to watch the borders just to have something to discuss. Sele could have a lookout even if her sister didn't agree to employing a number of creatures to do so. And well, it also doubled with helping Sele to learn low speech. After all she had to get better at it if she was going to follow her sister's suggestion of sending out bird's to look for her brother. She would have to be able to talk to them easily to get out what she wanted them to do. Who and what she wanted them to look for.

When another approached and spoke she released the mink so that it could run off and hide while she remained sitting right where she was. While he promised no harm his continued words didn't make it seem as if that was true. That was why she allowed the creature to go into hiding. And well, Sele didn't have a guard. She couldn't fight and barely could hunt. If harm was to come then she would just sit there and take it. She must have deserved it after all. "Just do what you are going to do and get it over with." She spoke the words quietly. "I will summon no one so there is no need to fret." She continued, bowing her head to stare at the ground as she waited. It wasn't as if she could even run if she wanted to do so. He would be upon her before she could even get to her hands. All she could do was sit and wait. She wasn't even going to speak up to try and change his mind. She knew she deserved whatever was coming. And of course she would never tell the rest the of the pack. Why should she? Why would they care what happened to her when she didn't matter at all?



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