[leader needed!] give me strength to guide me,
Hehe, it's a killer to pronounce too! And thank you. <3

A rustling coupled with a sudden shift in the wind brought Kanoe out of his reverie, alerting him to the presence of another. The sultry sound of the flute came to pause as he lowered the instrument, ears swiveling forward as they keyed in on the distinct sound of paw fell. Taking a quick inventory of this new information, he deduced that this was a member of the clan though he knew not the name of it. Furthermore, this was a larger male with a scent diluted in comparison to his own; a hybrid or perhaps a muddling of genes with distinct lines long forgotten in the passage of time.

However, before Kanoe could compromise himself and slide back down to ground level, the male emerged from inside the borders. Pale eyes roved over the wolf-ish form in stark surprise, not expecting to see such an odd combination of features. The moment passed quickly and without a word he jerked his gaze to the ground, ears set back at half-mast and tail curling like a vine about his leg. Well, strike one. Cursing himself inwardly for not thinking his actions through more thoroughly, he moved slowly from his perch atop the formation, crouched submissively as not to provoke the male into thinking he meant any harm. His feet touched ground once more and he ducked, the edges of his shawl folding around him as he lay his hands against the dirt, his muzzle lowered in a bow, My sincerest apologies, I mean no ill will towards you or your clan. His voice was ashen, dusty from three months of scarce usage. Figuring this wolf-'yote was in no mood for long stories, Kanoe cut to the chase, My name is Kanoe del Sur and I am seeking a home. To you I can offer my strength, wit and my skills in medicine in return for whatever your clan sees fit to grant me. His tone was humble, obliging. Would it be enough? Of course, if the interrogate wished for him to elaborate, he was more than willing.

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