come here, pretty

Krystalle never noticed distinct differences in the two men who shared one body, but a few things were so clear that even she couldn't help but notice. The first was the fact that Bartholomew recognized Mars. The second was the way each man held her. While Mars gave far more tender embraces, Bartholomew appeared almost aggressive, as if she was property not to be touched by others. The differences in the personalities were highly interesting, giving her something to wonder about with each second she spent around them.

The horses were a comfortable topic for her, not too intimate but not something that one would chat about with any old stranger. The handsome stallion in the care of the Russo-Cubbins was in the same way as her pretty Paint horse, though she heard he had been spooked by something. The mutt gave a frown at the news, concerned for the safety of her own companion. "What do you think it coulda been?" A new water source was ignore for the time being, allowing her to focus completely on the animals.

It didn't take long for the heat to get to the Shepherd mix, dragging the handsome wolf into the shade where he could hopefully get some relief for himself. "I dunno. I jus' deal wit' it I guess." She smiled, returning the gesture given by the multi-hued man who stood before her. Art came next, and she lit up like the starry night sky as he asked about her treasured painting. "It's a Salvador Dali! He was famous! Abstract art leaves me weak in the knees," she crooned, looking to her precious framed piece of work with adoring pink eyes.


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