Two birds with one stone (J) leader needed

Temo Wolfe

After months of being on the move, all the sitting around and waiting had made Temo a bit antsy. He didn't show it outwardly as his thoughts raced though his mind. He stood up and shook the snow from his black fur and that helped relieve the anxiety as he sat back down. Everyone's ears turned at the soft crunch of paws in snow as another approached. Temo figured this must be a leader and his suspicions were confirmed when she introduced herself. A glance at Jace, then back to the greeting pack members and leader. He watched with quiet reserve not letting his nervousness show as he waited for Jace to tell her story.

Jace was done. He waited a few moments until the leader fixed him with her gaze and showed she was ready to hear his story. Taking a breath to calm himself and bowing to the Subleader, Geneva. "Ma'am, Thank you." He paused a moment to collect his thoughts," I am just a humble wolf that has traveled many, many miles, over mountain ranges and through valleys. I, Temo Wolfe, come from what the humans called Puget Sound. All in my birth pack were taught to read and write human English and had maintained a library of books in an attempt to preserve what the humans had done so as not to repeat their mistakes. I do not have much to offer but a strong back and sound body for hard work and the knowledge I accumulated from reading the human books. I am self sufficient and can see to my needs so as not to be a burden to you or your pack."

His story finished, Temo's black eyes flick quickly to everyone then fixated to an invisible spot on the ground not wanting to show aggression. Quietly he waited for the decision, keeping his emotions from showing. Doubtful that they would want him in their family as he didn't bring much. His ears lowered slightly as the wind swirled around them and brought a chill to his bones as if to punctuate his thoughts.


Temo "Talks" Thinks Walks

Table lovingly created by Kaena Lykoi

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