Turn Back Now [AW]
Quote:"Do you have a name for where you came from?"

"Eh...no, not in your language," said the jackal-wolf. He was buying it! "Not sure how said. Very hot place, very far from here. Hot, hot, hot. Not like place this. Sand everywhere, yus, yus."

Quote:"But you have wolf in you- I can see if. A halfbreed?"

"Yus! Eura...Euro...Eurey...I know not word," she said, shrugging as much being on all fours would allow. "But but, yus, wolf-like. Wolf father. Very big, very northy, very wolfy. Not like him much, more like not-coy-o-tah." She was letting off a sigh of relief in her mind, but neither posture nor face betrayed such. Here she was, seemingly a simple foreigner, unused to the geography of the New World's coastal lands. That much was true, at least; she wasn't sure what might happen if they met again. If he caught her speaking perfect English, no doubt he'd have some very tough questions to ask. Rewdeynetya wanted to avoid a pack-versus-loner fight as much as she could.

"Come too far?" she asked, tilting her slender hear. "Yus, very sorry. Would go when asked. Pack, smell is curious, I curious. No mean badness, mean myselfness, go away-ness when asked."

Oh yeah, she sounded like a foreign buffoon, all right. Rewdeynetya gave a sheepish smile to top off the cheesiness of her character, the awkwardness of the moment for her.

"I turn and go back way, yus...? Pack there too?"

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