(pi)r² or are they round?
http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j40/k ... efinal.png);background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-bottom:140px; background-position:bottom center;">
Yeah, that’s what I figured. Tongue

In Phoenix’s mind, the river was a friend an ally, not merely water rushing down a carved-out rut in the ground. As a youth he’d imagined he could hear a voice in the babbling stream, giving him wisdom and encouragement and—most importantly—someone to talk to. Of course, it had nearly taken his life once, but considering that he might not ever have come to the Place of Lightning and Thunder if he hadn’t been swept downriver, he was willing to forgive. Of course, with adulthood his imagination diminished, and he no longer paid that much attention to his friend. But he still hadn’t forgotten how temperamental this element of nature could be, and he did not want it to claim his son.

But right now Icarus needed a friend more than a parent. Phoenix had spent so much time being authoritarian with his son these past few hours, he needed to remind his son that he was more than just some boring adult who threw his weight around. Ignoring the yawn, Phoenix changed the subject. “Don’t worry son, someday you’ll be as big as me an’ I won’t hafta worry so much. A’ready you’re so much bigger an’ stronger than th’day you were born!” There was an authentic pride in his voice as he spoke. Icarus was a healthy, comely youngster, and Phoenix was proud to be his father. “Let’s see jus’ how tough you are. C’mon! Are y’strong enough t’bring down your old man?”

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