only take what you can carry

Phosphagos Foothills && Just outside of Anathema borders. Anyone involved in the avalanche thread, just gloss over details- assume it went well!

They had been struck. The day before yesterday had started mostly cold and windy. But the evening, snow had begun to fall on the already white-coated ground. Of course, it had set pretty quickly having already had the base coat of slick snow to settle on. There wasnt anything to suspect that it wouldnt just be a normal snowstorm. The wind had picked up in th evening and the snow had gotten heavier. Most of the wolves of Anathema had retreated into the caves- most stuck together to keep warm. It was no surprise that the stone caves did not retain heat very well and Teddy had spent most of that night before last in the general common room with others That didnt mean that trouble couldnt get them. It certainly had.

The day before had seen them in a desperate attempt to free Naniko's sister. Selene had been on the other side of an avalanche that had trapped her. Ever the hero, and now Rakeeb of Anathema, Teddy had lead his team into a frantic dig to retrieve her. It had taken most of the day and his muscles ached to no end. But they had freed her and she was recovering, hopefully. They hadnt seen Pontiac in a while and Teddy wondered about the D'Angelo sister. Of course, she may just have found refuge in her own cave, or with another pack. She was safe, at least in the young Rakeeb's mind. It had occured to the young man yesterday when the had once again set up camp in the warmest points of Anathema. There was a wasted opportunity here.

There must be hundreds of animals panicking about the snorm, trying desperately to find shelter. And where better to find shelter in the shadow of a mountain. Blowing in the right direction, the snow would hit the back of the mountain whilst they nestled in rip wolf territory. He had asked Naniko whether she thought it a good idea and she had returned his question with a quick nod. She was busy making sure her sister was okay and Teddy understood that, mostly. So he had grabbed a quick team together, including his sort of friend Liev. They were going hunting. But to bring back live animals.

Armed up to his face in strong ropes, the Rakeeb had dug himself out this morning. Once again there had been a brief reprieve like the morning before, but he was out there less than ten minutes before the snow began to drift down. It didnt take long for the wind to follow. Squinting his eyes for a moment, Teddy grabbed a small strip of deer hide he's cured and quickly sliced two slits into them. A snow shield for his eyes. It took him less than a moment to tie it round his head before he was off. They had decided the day before not to go out together- they would be spotted much more easily this way. They were to go out in separate direction at separate times and see if they could come back with some animals. If they saw each other along the way, well that was a bonus he guessed.

He had headed towards the foothills, optime form low to the ground. He would wait here for a while for his prey to come to him. He wasnt certain where the rest of his hunting party were but he was sure they were round here somewhere. Laying low in the snow, Teddy sought to cover most of his black fur to hide himself. Dun coloured strip of fur to hide his blue eyes and he was away. It wasnt long before the huffed breath of an animal alerted his attention and he froze. He would watch first and attack soon. Hopefully the others had the same idea.

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