Hanging By A Limb

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Ookami nodded his head, letting his eyes go out of focus for a moment, just thinking about the story he had just heard. Rendall did not sound like she had had the easiest life, he was learning that very few wolves did. He thought of his story, then of hers. They were much alike, but also so different. Rendall had somebody that had loved her, her mother. While Ookami had no one, but they were both exiled from their pack, of course Rendall was held prisoner for a long while, and her father had been killed. She diffinatley had the harder life, Ookami used to think nobody had it as bad as he did, now he was realizing that... everyone who had a rough life believed that, until they met someone who's story was worse.

His eyes came back into focus, "I'm sorry Rendall, for everything that has happened to you. I know that there is nothing really I can do for your past, but if you would let me I can help your future." He smiled, "You seem like a wonderful wolf to me, your kind to me and probably to many other wolves, and I think we could be great friends. You know something that always makes me feel better, this quote I learned of in my travles. Although it's difficult today to see beyond the sorrow, May looking back in memory help comfort you tomorrow" He pressed his nose against her cheek gently, trying to comfort her. She had been out here for the same reason he had and he knew that she must want something or someone to comfort her. He had wanted it too, and just by having someone here he was comforted. So, now, it was her turn. He looked around him, then back at Rendall, "Everyone has a story of their life, some better than others. People get so wrapped up in their past, that they don't think that anyone else has had it rough. When they finally do realize that they are not the only ones, it, in my opinion, helps make them a better person. It helps them view people better. When two wolves meet, and share stories of bad past memories, I beilive that they can be great friends, as I believe that we could." He knew his small speech sounded cheesy, but he spoke what he believed. He knew he already said they would be good friends, but sometimes he thought that things should be repeated, to help others know that they are telling the truth.

"Come on, we should walk." He began walking then paused, waiting for her to come too. He looked over his shoulder, a gentle look in his eyes. They were filled with understandment of pain and loss and they were also filled with the want to help make things better. And that was what he was trying to do for her. He knew couldn't fix eveything, but nothing was stopping him from trying.

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