One of These Days.

OOC chatter goes here- Sorry I know its kind of short.!

Jace finally came into view. He smiled gently at her, "Hi Jace. How are you on this fine morning?" He dipped his head respectfully at her and spoke in a gentle and polite tone. He noticed that she didn't really know what to act like around him. He was of higher rank than her, but not by much. He smiled, "Relax.. Be yourself." He thought it may have something to do with his size, so he let his posture slouch a bit and he wagged his tail gently in a rythmic motion. He looked up at the clouds again. He looked at a big one shaped like a wolf's head for a moment then looked back at Jace. He hoped that she could come to be more comfortable around him at some point. He didn't want his packmates to feel uncomfortable around him, especially since he wanted to befriend her.

He shuffled his paws in the snow and plopped a seat down. He smiled and pricked his ears up. His tail quitely thumped on the ground. He was glad there were quite a few wolves joining these days, more wolves meant more friends. And that was all he wanted. His strength and agility had returned and having lots of friends was the only thing he wanted now. "How are you liking it here so far? I know you have not been here for long, but you must have an opinion on it already." He smiled.

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