[AW] Shattered Silence

>Smile Does Slade need a scar…?


Jaden looked down on the coyote as the canine formulated an answer. Vergilante? The Alaskan had not spoke deliberately, but began contemplating it. Slade had heard him clearly, and yet he was mispronouncing the name. How long ago had coyotes and wolves begun pestering each other, competing for hunting ground, or even killing each other? Jaden was not sure, but he felt compelled to return the aggravating answer with some aggression. He was not afraid of Slade in anyway so felt no need to pick his words carefully. He simply said the first thing his mind spawned. Jaden felt his hackles rise in response to his aggression and the fur on his body seemed to make him look slightly bigger. He slowly and deliberately crunched through the snow till he was right above the coyote, stood there for a second and looked down on Slade, then crouched and glared into dull amber eyes. He got close to the coyote’s muzzle, “You’re sure you do not recognize the name VIGILANTE? I will pronounce it slowly for you: vig-il-lan-ty. The name may have slipped your small mind, so feel free to take your time. Think very carefully.”

Jaden flashed a less than friendly sharp white grin and waited patiently, his tail lightly swinging from side to side in anticipation of Slade’s answer. The dark colored Assassin was mostly sure of his company’s honesty in saying he did not know Vigilante, which was too bad, but the method he had chosen to express such honesty was enough to let Jaden know he was not being friendly or submissive. Being unsubmissive or unfriendly meant he might have decided to hide something. Whether he was lying or not, Jaden wanted to fix this canine’s body language problem.

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