[M] - Silence of a Soul


Now that the giant was dead, Jaden had assumed he would have no more fighting to do. The Optime stranger still clutched his small weapon and regarded Jaden with a slightly hostile question. The air stayed tense for a few moments as the Alaskan took in the situation. The stranger had just witnessed the death of a soul and entered a fight that he held no roots in. He did not know Jaden was innocent, or that Zev was part of a bloodthirsty and power-hungry pack. He only knew there were to strangers and one was now dead. The Alaskan stood shakily again and let his dagger fall to the snow. “Whether I am innocent is truly up to you to decide. I will tell you that I am. That brute is part of my former pack. I was to be Alpha, but they attempted to frame me for the crimes he described and steal the position for another. They succeeded and I fled before they could kill me.” Jaden made a waving motion toward Zev with the hand he was not using to put pressure on his still bleeding chest wound. “He is the last assassin who could have possibly followed me this far from their ranks. If you decide I am guilty, I will abscond from this area quickly. I have no wish to spill more blood today, mine or yours.” Jaden finished quietly and concentrated on keeping his balance. The Earth suddenly seemed to begin shifting its gravity. Only deep, even breaths kept the darker Optime on his feet.

The stranger seemed determined figuring out what he had just done in saving a life and costing another. Jaden was not sure what to do if his savior decided badly and attacked. He could not run far in this condition as his adrenalin had begun to slowly lessen its empowering flow in his veins rendering him weak from the ordeals he had survived. His mind would not let him raise a weapon at this innocent stranger either. Exhaustion and pure refusal to fight would render him defenseless to an attacker who held so much less threat than a member of Uva Atka.

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