Breaking the Nerves
Same! Big Grin


The boy did notice the violent weather conditions that were occurring. It didn't slip his mind once that if they didn't accept him it was because of the blizzards and the worsening weather. He was about to back away, regretting the call, when someone began to approach him. He cringed, wishing he hadn't taken his headphones off as the voice of the older male reached his ears and shook him. He swallowed, ears flattening and tail hidden between his legs in submission.

"I-I need a home," he spoke, his voice shaky from both shivering in fear and shivering in the cold wind. He wasn't normally this blunt, but it was truth that he had to speak from. He was tired of being alone, and even though it was nice being away from the bullying, he missed the companionship that he got from the ones that did treat him right. Not everyone was bad, and though he was frightened of everyone, he tried his best to remember that as well. "Ph-Phones is my name, sir," he looked up again, but didn't look at the other in the eye. He couldn't.


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