Breaking the Nerves

The first question had to be about his leg, and at first, Phones was silent, the insults ran through his head. All the teasing that he had just ran away from, was it all going to come back? The gray stained pup took a moment before he responded with his answer, trying to calm his nerves before he did so that he didn't shout out anything unnecessary.

"There was a-an accid-dent," he didn't want to say anymore than that. It was the best explanation that he could come up with at the moment since he really wasn't sure what all had happened. He tried to stand up straight though, not wanting to be pushed down again. Phones's ears were still flat though, and his body trembling uncontrollably.

"I-I can still hunt," he announced. "And I'm good with stitching a-and sewing too," he rambled, frantically trying hard to prove that he could do something. He didn't often go into his bi-pedaled form, only when he needed to use his thumbs did he change. Really all he wanted to do now was to put his headphones on, to block out the noise and his thoughts of rejection. He understood though, seeing the weather worsening day by day, but he wanted to be there, and he was going to do his best to convince the older male that he really did.


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