One of These Days.

haha fail post for me too.

He smiled at her again. He saw her look of puzzlement as he explained that he did not know where his size came from, then the understandment that it was just a thing of nature. She explained about her parents. He gave a small chuckle at her statement of being three species. "That is quite interesting... Three in one." He let another small chuckle escape his lips. He looked her over, at the things she pointed out. She was different, but he liked different. "Well at least you know where your features came from. Everyone in my pack has a black pelt, and somehow I came out gold." He chuckled, not trying to sound rude or anything, he was merly speaking what he felt. He ofter wondered how he came to be the way that he was now. Big, different colors of his pack and... nice. He pushed away the thought, it came too often.

"I heard there is supposed to be a storm coming... I don't think it's going to be that big though.." He smiled as he looked at the sky. There was a green tint to the clouds and the once beautiful day threatened snow and cold winds. He cocked his head, wondering if his believe was going to be wrong. They got very bad storms back where he was from and all the signs of them coming were a lot worse than what the area and weather showed right now.

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