set to self destruct

ooc;; rawr!

The strange looking man had straightened upon the three words spoken to him and Teddy wondered where the man had come from. He didnt look like any of the wolves around here, although that wasnt really saying much. They didnt exactly seem to stick to any specie around here and appeared only to be of every different breed imaginable. Perhaps it wasnt that which made him different then. It was maybe his general mannerism that pointed him out as a foreigner. Someone who had not been born on this vast continent. He moved like a traditional warrior with traditional values and that made sense to Teddy on a subconscious level

His name was given, Viking, and Teddy nodded in reply. He was going to give the man his name, but thought better of it for the moment. He hadnt asked, so maybe he didnt wish to know. Instead the blue eyed man gave the red-violet gaze of the other a hard glare before his bowstaff came up in blinding speed. Aiming for the mans head, but not in a malicious or vicious way. It was a practise blow, aimed to get the mans response more than anything. The staff curved through the air as he brought it high above him.

If the man really was a warrior he would understand that the Marbas wasnt trying to harm him. A sparring session with someone who would hit back with just as much ferocity. Despite the mans lack of trust and occasional spike of dislike for the bone coloured man, he knew that with weapons they spoke the same language. He thought this through in a moment and watched as his staff bowed low in aim for the mans head. It wouldnt harm him, it might not even touch him if the bone coloured man was fast enough with that axe.

word count;; 309

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