Keeping safe and warm

Some PP, lemme me know if either of you want it changed :3 500+

The Seneschal had been woken early in the morning by the sound of harsh wind gusts buffeting the quaint seaside house that he shared with his family. Snow was falling quickly as he looked out the window and the way the windows rattled and shook when the wind blew made the man uneasy. He had quickly gotten up, dressed, and had searched the house for any spare pieces of wood that could be used to cover up the windows. Thankfully he had good luck finding enough for all the windows except perhaps one or two. The Knight had then found his hammer and a supply of nails and woken his little brother. It was cold in the house, the fire having gone out in the night, and he knew it had to be brutally cold outside, so the quicker the windows could be boarded up the better. He and Alder took their supplies and headed out into the blowing snow, quickly nailing the wood over the fragile glass panes.

Each moment that ticked by as he worked outside the house made the uneasy feeling in his gut grow. This was not going to be some storm that would pass quickly, and the signs all seemed to point towards it only getting worse. Perhaps staying in the house would not be a smart idea. Maybe they should move to a more sturdy location. Just as these thoughts came to him, and as he was finishing the last window, a faint howl from the King came through the howling winds. He was calling the pack to take shelter in the hotel. Haven drove in the last nail and found Alder and they both went back inside. "Did you hear that howl? We need to get to the hotel." The Knight took off his jacket and went back to his room where Princess still was with the pups. "We got the windows boarded up, but this storm is bad, Vigilante is calling everyone to come to the hotel for safety. We need to go." Haven carefully picked up Linden and Robin, leaving Felicity to her mother, and took them out into the living room.

Haven grabbed some thick, strong blankets and laid them on the floor, gently wrapping his children up in the warm folds. Jade eyes looked to Princess, and then back to Alder. "Princess, you and I need to go into our halfing forms. Once we are, Alder, tie the blankets around us so the pups are cradled against our chests. It'll be the best way to keep them warm on the way, but we'll still have to move very fast." The Knight removed his jeans and then let his body shift down to the seldom used form, his ochre form hulking and muscular. He stood still as his brother tied the blankets with Linden and Robin around his chest. Once they were secure he managed to get his sheathed sword looped around his back and asked Alder to tie his clothes around the strap after he was done tying Felicity to Princess.

The new father surveyed the scene as his younger brother shifted down to his own four legged form, then said, "Alright, let's go. Stick close together and move as fast as you can without getting separated. I'll lead the way." They exited the house and Haven looked at it solemnly, hoping it would still be in one piece when they returned. There was no time to linger though, and the large secui bounded into the falling snow, leading their way to the safety of the hotel. Haven ran fast, his head turning back every few moments to make sure that Princess and Alder were still behind him. How long it took them, he couldn't say, but when they finally reached the hotel he was panting hard, his muscles stiff and aching from their exertion in the cold.

The Knight nodded briefly to his King as they entered, but was fast to move to the warmth of the fire. He waited anxiously for someone to come and untie his pups from his chest, hoping that the blankets along with his own body heat had kept them warm enough on the frigid journey.

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