[leader needed!] give me strength to guide me,
Done. Smile

Kanoe remained in his compromising bow, feeling the ground shift and grind against the pads of his hands as he awaited further instruction. The verdict was out of his hands now, hopefully having pleaded an acceptable case to the ranked male. If not, well, he'd lived a nomadic life this long, what was another few months to tack on to his track record? Regardless, the southern male was not looking forward to a poor outcome; he would accept it without pause, yes, but not without cursing himself for a good week or two afterwards for such poor conduct.

His russet ears flicked forward briefly as the male spoke, releasing him from his submissive bow. No words were spoken in reply but Kanoe did see fit to nod and push himself up, leaning back on his haunches in a kneeling position. His bottlebrush tail still curled around his leg however he raised his gaze ever so to stare at the ranked male's paws, forever waiting for his cues to move rather than doing so of his own accord. Furthermore his silence continued when the male explained their - the Inferni's, current healer situation. However, his silence could not stem the elated rush that surged through his system. They need a healer! Cried his mind in euphoria. Though he wasn't through jumping through the technical hoops yet, Kanoe felt a little more relieved.

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