Whispers of the heart. --
Yo! Big Grin


Though Phones was young, he no longer had the stature of the puppy that he once was. Lanky and awkwardly built, but not completely at a loss of any lean muscle. He had to keep in shape if he hoped to be able to run with the only three legs that he had, otherwise he would have to actually act handicapped, which he hated to do. He hated being a burden on everyone else, and hell he hated being called weak. That was the main reason that he had to leave his old pack. He was done, and he needed to escape.

The temperatures were still low, and Phones shivered as he made his way around his new home. It was a wonder how he was able to make it in, and was still in shock over the confrontation with Conor. The ash stained teen tried hard not to think to much on it, since he hadn't even shown anyone what he could do as a new member. Working with needles was his specialty, not to put it in a creepy way, but it was something he could do with his hands if he needed to sit down after a long walk. It kept his mind preoccupied, and if he got a cut, he was able to fix the wound with some general treatment and a few stitches. A couple of the piercings in his ears were done by him as well, which of course he worked on a bit before he took a needle to himself. Most couldn't bare the thought of doing such a thing, but it hardly bothered Phones at all. It hurt, and it hurt bad, but he trusted himself, more than he trusted anyone else.

Phones froze in place, the sight of another forcing him to halt in his tracks. Ears folded down and his body lowered, but his headphones kept him at a calm, allowing him to remember that he was in a good place now. No one would hurt him here. Right?


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