*slow as hell* I'll be using your table for new threads since I'm OCD and like keeping the same table within a thread. x3 Thanks again!

Evolution was a funny thing, especially when prompted by such artificial means. In another day and age (a thousand lifetimes ago), Laruku might have enjoyed long conversations about such matters of science and sociology with other intelligent thinkers. In fact, he still might be able to have such conversations with Ahren, but these days, he forgot a lot of things soon after their occurance and it was highly possible that such a topic had come up for discussion before and he simply couldn't recall it. They weren't really important in the long run; talking about it didn't change anything, but occasionally he did wonder how life might have been different if the humans hadn't caused their own apocalypse and changed the canines' future while they were at it. Undoubtedly, they would have remained simpler creatures, not the overambitious, would-be humans they had become.

The hybrid tore into the doe given the cue. It was more deep-rooted instinct, more of his simpler-minded ancestral habits. He didn't need to think to be a wolf. The tattered male nodded at Umbra's words of thanks, pulling back from his meal. Don' worry about it, he replied in a similarly obligatory way. He licked the blood from one side of his muzzle, This will probably last a few days. Are you staying in the area?


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