Whispers of the heart. --
OOC; Howdy! x3 (337 words.)

His curious nose had lead him on an adventure through each up and down of Dahlia de Mai territory. By the time he had come upon another wolf, he was familiar with the area and on his rump the white fluff of fur for a tail he possessed waged blissfully to-and-fro. Tempest couldn't catch a breath before darting between snow drifts and tree trunks, lucid joyful thoughts brimming in his mind. With a snort, his paws had maneuvered incorrectly and the pup had made a crash landing into a heap of white powder.

Upon giving his head a thorough shake and his maw a lick, pools of crystalline azure had wandered and met a pair of autumn eyes merely feet away from his own. Exuberantly he had sprung from the snow and woofed in greeting toward the ash dappled male as his paws carried him across the ice. "Hello there!" He spoke, giving the other a quick look over and acknowledging that he was nearly his age or the same, and the timid demeanor the pup displayed meant he should take it easy. Tempest would feel awful for scaring him off or alarming him, especially after realizing this peculiar looking wolf was a new Dahlian, much like himself. A formal greeting was to be made before anything else. "Tempest." Putting his name forth to the other, he waited for a reply and then took his time to soak up the fine details of the specimen. The shimmer of metallic jewelry had caught his eye and Tempest saw that the other wolfs ears were decorated finely with metal. It had painfully reminded him of the drifters pack leader that he was previously under rule of before deviating into the Dahlia de Mai pack. As much as he had hated that scum of a canine, he believed it meant some sort of artistic expression that he had learned to respect. To him it certainly seemed like this wolf would prove to be a fine character.

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