[leader needed!] give me strength to guide me,

indent Anselm’s voice meant one of two things: he had information to report or had found a straggler. Regardless of the cause, it had Gabriel moving. His path was a smooth line formed at the borders of the tree-line and the plain, worn down over the weeks in which he and his clan had been patrolling their land. Despite the empty fields and the rocky terrain, Gabriel was a military commander first and had seen potential in this place. They were nearly invincible here, bordered on one end by the sea and the other a slope which would slow even the most determined war-monger. As one himself, Gabriel knew this was key.
indent What he found, of course, surprised him. The stranger was wearing odd clothing and looked as if he had fallen out of the American southwest. Having spent several months there himself, the desert-walker stranger interested the doggish hybrid. Did he know of the Scintilla War? Was he aware of the great burning in California and that its source (and the source of the fire that had destroyed the land beyond the mountain) was now staring him down? Probably not, but it was just enough to worry him. It was always enough to worry. He said nothing—he looked to his cousin and waited.


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